With barely six months remaining in their desert exile, the people of Israel could still speak the unthinkable, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in a wilderness?” (Numbers 21:5). God was invisible and unreal to Israel. After forty long years, they simply did not believe.

With Israel blinded to their ever-present salvation, God then unleashed upon the people a danger of the desert—reminding them just Who had the power to hold it back. In answer to the defining, forty-year-old lesson which Israel had failed to learn, God gave His condemning response. Read more

Praise God! We’re celebrating 20 years of ministry! Join Kevin as he commemorates this major milestone, while also reflecting on the important work and message of Perfect Word. Plus, you don’t want to miss his special SURPRISE GUESTS! Come join us!

Most believers in Yeshua today have either never truly learned how to properly handle the Scriptures, or they fail to apply what they know—either consistently, or at all. So whether you’re listening to a sermon, having a Bible study, or discussing the Scriptures with a friend or online, here are five simple strategies that will help you stand up for the truth of God’s word and answer any unbiblical beliefs you might hear from your fellow believers. Read more

Pride and stubbornness may drive division between believers in Messiah, but the root of our disagreement is often nothing more than just bad, inconsistent Bible interpretation. Too many of us impose our own ideas and frames of reference on the Bible, rather than letting the Scriptures speak for themselves. Sadly, there are are an abundance of commonly used methods of interpreting the Bible that are guaranteed to yield an incorrect understanding. Here are just six of them. Read more

As unique individuals, we each see the Bible through the lens of our own experiences and dispositions. So, for example, if we’re prone to be more cerebral and academic in our thinking, then we might tend to force our understanding of the Bible to fit within the confines of our own intellect and reasoning. On the other hand, if we’re inclined to be more spiritual in our perspective, we might tend to set our understanding of the Bible free from any constraints of rational thought. Yet neither extreme produces an accurate view of the Bible. On the contrary, the Bible’s very own patterns and principles teach us that in order to correctly understand Scripture, we need both our minds and our spirits. Read more

The shema proclaims in Deuteronomy 6:4 that “Adonai… our God… is one.” Yeshua teaches us in Mark 3:25 that “if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot be made to stand.” And Paul declares in 2 Timothy 3:16 that “every Scripture is God-breathed.” So if God is one—undivided—and the Bible is the written word of God, then why do we think that there can be more than one legitimate interpretation of the Bible? Why do we believe we have the permission to disagree with one another about what the Scriptures say? Read more

Anyone who’s ever read the Bible knows that while the word of God holds the answers to the deepest, most profound questions of our lives, it can also leave us asking more questions. But as we continue to seek the truth and to know every answer that can be known, there’s one question that anyone who truly wants to understand the Bible must avoid asking. It’s a question whose answer is not only antithetical to the truth, but often a challenge to the authority of God Himself. It’s a question that isn’t satisfied with what the Bible says, so it reaches beyond the word of God to deduce an answer for itself. Read more

Should we take the Bible literally? Well, that depends on what “literally” literally means. Do we mean that God—who is our rock—is literally an actual rock? Or that Yeshua—who is the door—is literally an actual door? Or by “literally” do we mean we believe that God literally created the universe in six days, that Moses literally received the stone tablets from God, and that Yeshua literally died, was buried, resurrected, and ascended to heaven, actually saving us from death, and providing a real way to live with Him forever? Read more

In the world of Bible study, there are several types of great tools, such as Concordances and Lexicons, to help us successfully navigate the teachings of the Bible. Beyond these, many people also rely on secondary, extra-biblical sources for their study, knowledge and understanding—and for good reason. There is an inordinate amount of Bible-related information that is simply not contained or well-developed in the Bible. But the problem is that, when it comes to understanding Scripture itself, many will mistakenly turn to secondary sources first, rather than to God’s word. Secondary sources make it extremely easy to find answers to biblical questions… perhaps, too easy. Read more

The Bible—the written word of God—is perfect and true. But sometimes, it’s not exactly easy to understand. So when we come across a word or concept that doesn’t quite make sense, or it seems contradictory or inconsistent, we might need some help figuring it out. And the very first place we should look to help us understand anything we read in the Bible is… Read more