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I have had a moment of clarity. Perhaps it won’t be revelatory to you, or perhaps it will open your eyes. But I feel so compelled to share it with you that I created this special section of our website to address what I see as an epic crisis plaguing our country. If you have school-aged children—or know anyone who does, or care about the future of our country—you need to hear this.
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by Esther Geoffrey

As the events of 2020 continue to unfold, I can hardly believe that the images I’m seeing are real—the nation I know and love seems to be crumbling before my eyes. Death tolls rise, statues topple, divisions grow deeper, freedoms evaporate, cities burn, and truth seems irrelevant or imperceptible in the midst of the chaos. In the streets, young people cry out for change and revolution, parroting phrases they can’t explain and shouting slogans they can’t defend. Where did all this come from? How did we get here?
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by Isaac, Josiah & Hosea Geoffrey

“But I’m not a teacher!” “I don’t have an educational degree.” “Children need socialization!” Making major life changes isn’t easy, and oftentimes, simple misconceptions can keep us from even considering them. But although homeschooling—like most things worth doing—requires a certain level of dedication, it is accessible to everyone. There are abundant resources to help anyone become a successful homeschooling parent. We want to clear up some misunderstandings and tell you what homeschooling really is, so that you can see why we love it so much and how it could work in your life.
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Artwork: “Fish Tank World” by Asher Geoffrey (age 6)

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Here are some resources to get you started on your homeschool journey! And you can also contact us—we want to help you!

*Actively verify the contents of your Bible curriculums with the Bible!
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