This Year, I Will

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As we turn the corner toward Fall, we continue to face severe uncertainty about the future. Everything feels like it is in flux, while we are left to wait for life to settle down into the new normal—whatever that will be. But while we are in this seemingly perpetual holding pattern, we need to resist the inclination to put our walk with God on hold as well. The expectations that God had of us last year are the same expectations that He has for us this year—and, if possible, even more so, now that we are being tested in ways we have never been before.

And that is why I am so grateful that God’s annual calendar has once again come to our rescue at just the right time, serving to refocus us on Him, and to remind us how—as Messiah-followers—we need to continue to think and behave for His purposes and His glory.

In light of all that has already transpired this year, the upcoming appointed times have taken on a more pointed meaning for me this year. Between the effects of the national and local pandemic responses and the unrelenting social push to fundamentally reshape our society, many of us may prefer to hibernate, hoping it will all blow over. But this year, when we make and hear the loud blasts of sound at Yom T’ruah, I will be reminded how urgent it is for us to collectively awaken to the need to stand up for the word of God like never before—in the power and authority we have as disciples of Messiah.

This, however, does not simply mean amplifying our political opinions, or getting more aggressive with them on social media. On the contrary, if we are to wield the truth for the sake of saving souls, then we must get ourselves right with God, that we may radiate true humility in our undying fight for what is right. So this year, when I bow before my Maker on Yom Kippur and empty myself before Him, I will be asking Him to break me further than ever, allowing me to become more useful to Him, and to stop getting in the way of what He wants to do through me.

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A heavy blanket of uneasiness has been draped over us, but it must not be allowed to weigh us down and shield our eyes from the light of Messiah. So this year, as I am feasting in my sukah during Sukot, I will not only be remembering how God provided for Israel during their wandering in the desert, I will recall how God provided for me during this year of unprecedented upheaval—and I will sear it into my mind so that I may continue to count on His perfect provision during the times of testing ahead.

I believe our greatest hour is coming. Embrace this season, and let God remind you of and refocus you on your set-apart purpose in Him.


3 replies
  1. Steve
    Steve says:

    Shalom everyone, and thank you Kevin for your insight concerning the current times we are living in. I and my wife have really experienced the Feasts this year, even with all that is happening pandemic-wise, like never before. They have been rich and more meaningful. I think this is what Father wants from His followers of ‘The Way’ to experience. Times past, it seemed more redundant, and even religious year by year. Could this be the message He has for the whole earth and for physical Israel? We think the Father really is looking for those who will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

  2. Shimrit Hanes
    Shimrit Hanes says:

    Being isolated by more than the so-called pandemic this year, I’ve been focusing more and more on prayer and ministering to my family members who don’t yet know their Messiah. I’ve also been doing more on-line, and building relationships in my local community. We need to focus on our neighborhoods more during this time. Don’t know your next door neighbors? Invite them over to your home for an outdoor barbecue while the weather is still good! Build a fire-ring for when it gets cooler! Build up and pray for your local community!

  3. Kevin J Locke
    Kevin J Locke says:

    Thank you for your posts and encouragement. It is lonely at times when you don’t have men who are asking the questions about why we do things so differently from the way Yeshua and His disciples worshipped and served GOD ALMIGHTY. Man’s traditions have taken the place of God’s instructions from His Torah. May His Word transform our hearts through the power of His Spirit who is sealing those of us who repent and changing our stone cold hearts into Torah obeying, fruit of the Spirit lives. God bless and may His Face shine upon you and your family!


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