In 2004, Perfect Word continued resource development and began travel across the U.S. to minister in various Messianic Jewish congregations and conferences.

Perfect Word’s first monthly print publication, The Messianic Life, launched in late 2003.

Perfect Word Ministries, Inc. incorporated as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt Arizona non-profit ministry.

Kevin ministered nationally as a seminar and conference speaker and internationally as a regular contributor to a teaching magazine and as one of several teachers on a widely-distributed video series.

Relocated to Phoenix, Arizona to help found and lead a new congregation.

Launched, one of the longest running Messianic Jewish websites in Internet history.  The website immediately began to draw attention as one of the few Messianic websites on the Internet at that time.  The popularity of the site was attributable in large part to the Messianic eDevotional, which is still being published and delivered to e-mail boxes all around the world.

Praise and worship ministry in local Messianic Jewish congregation Beth Jacob in Jacksonville, FL.  Led to ministry opportunities at regional, national and international Messianic Jewish conferences, such as the annual “Messiah” conference in Grantham, PA, and the IAMCS (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues) Rabbis Conference in Orlando, FL.

Perfect Word Ministries established by Kevin Geoffrey.